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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Long time coming

Its been a long time since my last post- five months, more or less.  Wow- I feel negligent.  The holidays and the winter have been busy, of course, and a little strange too.  I've had no motivation to do anything.  Part of the issue was a knee re-injury in late November that really cramped my style. Nothing but praise for Tommy Copper compression sleeves, they work.

We also had a new grandchild born this year, our first girl.  She is beautiful, like I had to tell you all that, right?

So I haven't whittled, made a knife, or worked on the house since Thanksgiving, haven't posted here since late September.  Like I said- no motivation.

I found some motivation yesterday, on the interweb- I came across a video on YubeTube of a Japanese master sword-maker that just left me awestruck.  The precision that man gets out of a hammer & anvil has set me a new goal.  Its long- 49 minutes or so- but if you get a chance and are so inclined I highly recommend watching-

The Secret World of the Japanese Swordsmith

It'll be a while before I get that good, if it ever happens at all.

I will pic up a knife today, and maybe a paintbbrush in the next couple days.  Stay tuned, find your motivation, and carve diem if you can.


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