I've had quite a rash of knife orders the last few months, it's very gratifying. There is something special about making tools, both for my own use and for others. I was fortunate one of my first jobs as a cabinetmaker I worked with a true Yankee- he not only taught me woodworking, tool use and maintenance, he also taught me to modify tools to suit my needs and make them if need be. Thank you Gary, may you rest in peace.
I do have a problem with knife making tho- as I sit here with knives to make and carvers waiting, I feel guilty whittling, feel I should be spending my time knifemaking instead. As a result, I do neither. Additionally, during the last year I've had opportunity to try some knives by some fine knifemakers, so I'm sure the carving world will not stop turning if I take a break! ;)
So for a while, I won't be making knives to order. I've taken down my knives for sale page here- I have a few more to make, promises to keep, and then I'm done. I have a long (and growing longer) list of things I'd like to whittle and will take a sabbatical to work on that list. The sound of little figures hollering to be let out of blocks of wood is growing louder, they need my help. I suspect I'll make a knife here or there, on spec, and will post here and on the WCI forum when I have one to offer. I need a more laidback approach, I have some designs and methods I want to try. I appreciate all the feedback I've gotten from all the carvers who have my knives. Thank you.
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